C++ Programming
- Write a C++ Program to print a welcome text in a separate line.
- Write a Program in C++ to add two numbers.
- C++ program for addition of two numbers using functions.
- Add two numbers in C++ using class.
- Addition of two numbers using call by reference in C++
- C++ program to write a program to add two numbers using call by value.
- Swapping of two numbers in C++ without using third variable.
- Swap two numbers in C++ using function.
- C++ program to swap two numbers using class.
- C++ program to swap two numbers using call by value.
- C++ program to swap two numbers using pointers.
- Write a program to swap private data members of two classes using friend function.
- write a program to add data objects of two different classes using friend function.
- Threading in C++.
- C++ thread lambda
- C++ thread lambda with parameter
- C++ thread lambda pass by reference
- Singleton C++ example
Write a program that uses a while to sum the numbers from50 to 100.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//main function begins here
int main()
//Declration of variables
int sum = 0, i = 50;
//adding of numbers from 50 to 100
while(i <= 100)
sum = sum+i++;
//print the sum
cout<<"Sum = "<<sum;
return 0;
Sum = 3825