Program to write Fibonacci series in python

Fibonacci series are a sequence of integer numbers. It starts from 0 and 1. The sequence is obtained by adding the preceding two terms. In mathematical terms it is represented by Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2. Here, Fn is the nth term, Fn-1 and Fn-2 are the two preceding terms. The following program shows a Fibonacci sequence up to  nth term.

# Program to write the Fibonacci series up to the nth term

nthterm = int(input("Write the number of nth term up to which you want to find the sequence"))

# For a fibonacci series first and second terms is 0 and 1

firstterm = 0
secondterm = 1

addup = 0

# If the user enters an invalid input

if nthterm <= 0:

   print("You need to enter a number greater than 0 and 1")

elif nthterm == 1:

   print("Second term of the fibonacci series is ", nthterm, ":")

   print(firstterm, secondterm)


   print("The Fibonacci series for the entered nth term is:")

   while addup < nthterm:


       lastterm = firstterm + secondterm

       firstterm = secondterm

       secondterm = lastterm

       addup += 1

Output 1 :

Output 2 :

Output 3 :

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